Billionaire Ken Griffin Exits Chicago – The City And State Are BIG Time Losers

Liberals are very good at chasing rich people out of their states. Elon Musk is gone from California to Texas. Paul Tudor Jones left Connecticut many years ago and when he took his business and earnings to Florida, he single-handedly drilled a $40 million revenue hole in the state budget in Hartford. You could almost hear the state lawmakers yell; “please come back.”

Now billionaire Citadel Capital founder Ken Griffin, one of the richest and most philanthropic residents of Illinois, has moved to – where else – Florida.

Bloomberg wrote a superb, well-researched story on what Griffin (age 53) has meant to the life and civil culture of Chicago.

“Griffin has given more than $600 million to organizations in the Windy City since arriving in 1989.”

“His name adorns a hall at the Art Institute of Chicago.”

“The entire Museum of Science & Industry plans to take on the billionaire hedge fund manager’s name in 2024.”

“The University of Chicago is home to the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics.”

“In June Griffin donated more than $130 million across 40 Chicago organizations.”

“The 40 latest recipients [of Griffin’s donations] represent ‘the fabric of Chicago,’ among them Northwestern Medicine, the Field Museum and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.”

“Griffin also gave $10 million to Fourth Presbyterian Church, where his children were baptized.” The money will help endow meal distribution and other programs.”

Oh and Ken Griffin, who is sometimes portrayed as a greedy Republican hedge fund fat cat “alone paid more than $200 million in taxes in Illinois in each of the past two years.”

Griffin will save hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes by moving from Illinois to Florida but his main reason for leaving is the crime wave in Chicago.

So sad that class warfare liberals always kill the geese that lay the golden eggs.

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