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Bob Menendez’s Latest Ploy Puts Senate Democrats’ Majority in Danger

New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez – the Democrat who was caught red-handed with gold bar “gifts” in his basement – has come up with a wily way to avoid a corruption conviction and a prison sentence.

He has begun circulating a petition to run for reelection as an independent.

He is hoping to show enough support to split the Democratic vote and put the seat in play for Republicans.  He’s using this threatened run in order to bargain for a sweetheart deal and slap on the wrist as a condition for withdrawing from the race.

Recall that Dems have only a one-seat majority in the senate and every seat is needed to retain that majority in 2025.

Recall also that during Menendez’s first trial, zero Democrats called for him to resign — because Republican Governor Chris Christie would name his replacement.

We’ll keep you informed on how Dems deal with their Menendez migraine headache.

Why Is This Man Smiling?

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