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Bring Back Johnny Carson

Some of your editors of a certain age can remember when late-night comedy talk-show hosts were, well, funny. Now they’re just unfunny political hacks.

According to a new study by our pals at the Media Research Center, 81 percent of political jokes told on major late-night talk shows in 2023 targeted conservatives and Republicans.

“Last year late-night comedians told 9,518 political jokes, and of these 7,729 were directed at someone or something on the right side of the political spectrum,” the MRC found. By far the most biased was Jimmy Kimmel on ABC. Seth Meyers on NBC was also heavily biased against conservatives. Amazingly, the “comedians” made fun of Trump’s kids nine times more often than of Hunter Biden – who would seem to be a poster child for late-night jokesters.

The only glimmer of hope here is that no one watches these rotten shows anymore. You can get more laughs on the Cartoon Network.

Not Funny

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