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Bye Bye Right to Work?

It could happen as early as January 2025. This is no false alarm.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have fully endorsed the so-called PRO Act. They’ve even told the teachers’ unions and other labor bosses that this will be one of their highest priorities.

We’ve argued that the PRO Act will effectively repeal popular Right to Work laws in some 26 mostly red states. Some of our liberal friends have cried foul at this characterization. But the AFL-CIO even ADMITS that right to work would be repealed and forced unionism would become the law of the land:

We believe the labor laws should be rewritten in such a way that nonunion workers are exempt from collective bargaining agreements and only dues-paying union members would be covered by union contracts.

This would solve the free-rider problem that union officials justifiably complain about – and everyone’s freedom to choose is protected.

Unleash Prosperity Hotline


1155 15th St NW, Ste 525
Washington, DC 20005