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Climate Change Hysteria Is Traumatizing Young People

We’ve noted that the media and the schools are scaring our kids to death with an epidemic of apocalyptic climate forecasts that aren’t backed up by science or rationality.

A new poll from Lancet Planetary Health (paid for by the climate activist group Avaaz) claims more than half of young Americans say that environmental worries will impact where they decide to live and whether to have children.

The survey finds that 85% of those between age 16 and 25 are at least moderately worried about climate change, and more than half (57%) said they were “very or extremely” worried. Nearly two-thirds endorsed the statement: “Humanity is doomed,” and 52% of the sample endorsed: “I’m hesitant to have children.”

What really bothers us, is that MSNBC is enthusiastically hyping these findings, instead of being appalled that our kids are being traumatized by green extremists.

“Many of us are overwhelmed by the daily reality of climate disasters – waking up to the news of wildfires engulfing homes and hurricanes taking lives,” says Zion Walker, of the Climate Mental Health Network’s Gen Z Advisory Board.

For the gazillionth time: fewer Americans as a share of the population, die from weather-related events than ever before in history. Meanwhile, taking away people’s gas furnaces and air conditioners is a good way to ensure MORE people will die from extreme changes in weather in the years to come.

The best way to reduce the anxiety/panic of young people on climate change is to vigorously push back on the efforts to weaponize the weather in pursuit of a policy agenda that would impoverish many of us.

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