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Coming Soon To A College Campus Near You

We are free speech hawks and oppose censorship. Universities should be able to have whomever they want speaking on campus – no matter how subversive or looney their views may be. The left, meanwhile, has no such respect for alternative opinions and so shout down conservative voices on campus, whether it’s Arthur Laffer or Dinesh D’Souza or Tucker Carlson.

But we were thunderstruck when we read through this list from our friends at TurningPoint USA of “visiting speakers” on major college campus. Here is a brief sample of the left’s all-star band:

      • Bettina Love – University of Georgia
        Love is one of the most prominent educators advocating for CRT in public schools in America. Her message is that “whiteness” is the cause of poverty and failing schools.
      • Dr. Stephen Finley – Louisiana State University
        Finley is the author of “God is a White Supremacist,” in which he accuses white Americans of treating their white privilege as a diety.
      • Ibram X Kendi – Boston University
        Kendi is the founder of the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University and the author of “How to be an Antiracist.” He has called for a constitutional amendment to punish officials for holding “racist opinions.” He opposes interracial families and described white families who adopt black children as “colonizers.”
      • Megan Squire – Elon University
        Squire is an ANTIFA-aligned professor who collaborates with the ANTIFA group, Red Neck Revolt, and refuses to condemn the group’s violent tactics.
      • Dwayne Dixon – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
        Dixon is a member of the Antifa group, “Red-Neck Revolt,” which advocates for the right of “militant resistance.” Dixon has advocated for the destruction of private property and advocated for the use of violence.

Parents, this is what you are spending $60,000 a year on. Donors, this is what you’re subsidizing with your contributions to your alma mater.

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