Congress Should Charter A COVID Commission

As we approach the third anniversary of Covid, we’ve been urging congressional leaders to establish a “Covid Commission” to help the country discover the real facts about the government and public health debacle of the last three years and learn from the pandemic mistakes.

Now two top medical officials, Martin Kulldorff and Jay Bhattacharya, are making the case too:

When America faced the national tragedy of the Space Shuttle Challenger exploding in 1986, Congress created a commission with independent outside experts, including the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman. His iconic demonstration of a faulty O-ring made brittle in the cold as the cause of the Challenger disaster led to fundamental reforms at NASA.

The American people deserve a similar COVID-19 commission so the public-health disaster of the past three years is not repeated….

One of the most important questions a commission could answer would be why the public-health establishment ignore clear scientific data that Covid infection-acquired immunity is stronger than vaccine-acquired immunity? Vaccine mandates forced many frontline workers — heroes who contracted Covid early in the pandemic while doing essential work — to choose between their careers and a vaccine that provides less protection than the natural immunity they already had.

Kulldorff and Bhattacharya have even provided a blueprint for any commission that’s formed. Working with six other scientists with experience in infectious diseases, public health, epidemiology, immunology, clinical medicine, and COVID treatment, they produced an 80-page list of questions that need answers:

We at CTUP are working on our own “Covid Lessons Learned” report that will be published soon.

A commission is a great idea – as long as it isn’t stocked with the very group thinkers responsible for our catastrophic pandemic response.

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