Courts Swat Down Biden’s Latest Student Loan Bailout

Biden’s student loan bailouts are one of the most blatant and expensive attempts to buy votes (“graft”) in American history. He has now rolled out three separate attempts to dump hundreds of billions of dollars of student loans onto taxpayers.

The courts keep ruling no and Biden keeps ignoring them. The cost of these “forgiveness” plans ranges from $400 to $550 billion – but we suspect those are both lowball estimates because colleges can endlessly raise tuition under this plan and make taxpayers pick up the tab.

Two Obama-appointed federal district court judges adopted injunctions yesterday enjoining the halving of payments from 10% of income to 5%, and prohibiting any more loans from being discharged while litigation moves forward.

Good news, except that the Biden Education Department has already proposed yet another wholesale student loan discharge under the Higher Education Act.

When it comes to spending other people’s money to buy votes, these Biden people just won’t stop.

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