Unleash Prosperity co-founder Tax Cut Victory Alliance co-chair Steve Forbes explains:
While Republicans in Congress are busy posturing about budget numbers and reconciliation procedures, they’re missing the fundamental point: without swift action on tax cuts, we’re heading toward a massive tax increase that will hit every American…
If Congress fails to act by year’s end, the standard deduction for couples will plummet from $30,000 to around $15,000-17,000. This isn’t just a technical adjustment–it’s a direct hit to American families’ wallets. Only in Washington would they create tax legislation with expiration dates like a gallon of milk…
The current House debate over reconciliation bills–whether to do one or two–misses the point entirely. While they argue over ten-year scoring numbers and budget parameters, they’re wasting precious time that could be used to boost economic growth. The focus should be on lowering marginal tax rates–the rates you pay on your next dollar earned–which directly impacts economic incentives…