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Democratic Cities Ready to Renounce Sanctuary Status?

Over the last 30 years, over 560 cities and counties have declared themselves “sanctuary cities” where cooperation with the federal government in enforcing immigration law is banned. But now the bills are coming due and liberal mayors are reconsidering the open-door policy.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams says his city’s sanctuary law must be changed. He wants migrants suspected of major crimes turned over to federal immigration officials. Asked about due process for anyone accused of a crime, the mayor shot back, “They didn’t give due process to the person that they shot or punched or killed.”

Aurora, Colorado, the state’s third largest city, elected a conservative city council last November over crime and immigration issues. This week, the city council voted 7 to 3 for a resolution that the city lacks “the financial capacity to fund new services related to this [migrant] crisis” and demands other cities stop transporting migrants and the homeless to Aurora.

Even hard-left Montgomery County, Maryland said they will start cooperating with ICE in its apprehensions.

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