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Democrats Out to Search-And-Destroy RFK Jr.

Democrats are privately so worried about Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s potential to draw votes from President Biden in November that they have decided to nuke his candidacy. Nearly one in five young Democrats say they will back RFK Jr. Biden also comes in third place among young independents, losing to both Trump and RFK Jr.

Progressive consultants say RFK Jr’s choice of activist liberal lawyer Nicole Shanahan as his running-mate means he isn’t making Trump voters his priority. Shanahan, an ex-wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin, is also wealthy enough to fully fund ballot access drives by Kennedy in key swing states.

Democratic lawyers are moving to challenge Kennedy’s attempts to gain ballot access. The Hill reports that the Democratic National Committee is “building out war room-type operations [to stop] Kennedy.”

We certainly don’t agree with many of Kennedy’s positions on the environment or energy, but he brings a refreshing candor and perspective to the race that deserves to be heard. We like many of his views on tax policy (which he learned from his uncle JFK) and the erosion of civil liberties and free speech under the Biden presidency. Remember, when a generation or so ago, Democrats cared about economic growth, civil liberties, and the right to free speech?

The fact that Democrats and the media are so intent on destroying Kennedy exposes the monolithically left ideology of today’s Democratic Party. RFK’s message is “I didn’t leave the Democratic party, the party left me.”

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