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Elon Musk Brings Breath Of Free Speech Back

Elon Musk is keeping his promise to expand the scope of free speech on Twitter much to the dismay of the left. Beginning a series of “Freedom Fridays,” the entrepreneur last week reinstated the banned accounts of Donald Trump, author Jordan Peterson, the Christian news satire site Babylon Bee, and comedian Kathy Griffin, who once posed with a mockup of Trump’s severed, bloodied head.

Musk looks to us to be striking just about the right balance in deciding what should be allowed on Twitter.   Hateful speech will not be removed from the site, but negative/hate tweets will be “deboosted & demonetized,” so no ads or other revenue to Twitter. The new moderation policy would make such content invisible “unless you specifically seek it out.”

The left doesn’t see things this way. MSNBC host Yasmin Vossoughian groused that Trump’s reinstatement will mean ‘the guard rails now will, definitely, it seems, be off” and expressed the wish that Twitter would die. Ironically, these guardians against “misinformation” are the same people who touted the discredited Steele dossier story night after night for nearly two years.

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