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Federal Employees STILL Not Back To Work

Corporate America is having trouble getting its workers to come back to the office, but that’s nothing compared to the federal government.

The Government Accountability Office reports federal office utilization ranges from a shocking low of 9 percent occupancy at USDA, HUD, GSA, OPM, SBA, and SSA up to a still-not-very-high high of 35 percent occupancy at Commerce, Homeland Security, DOJ, State, and Treasury.

Hello, Uncle Sam! Covid ended two years ago!

Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser says the empty desks are creating a downtown Washington D.C. that resembles a ghost town. She is telling the Feds that if they won’t get their employees back to work, they should turn over their building space to the city or any private entities “willing to revitalize it.”

We’re fine with Washington DC becoming a sleepy old southern town again. As Donald Trump so famously declared: “Drain the Swamp.”

The federal bureaucracy is easily twice as large as it needs to be. The federal payrolls are roughly $300 billion a year. Is it asking so much for these workers to get back on the job?

We also like the idea of moving the FBI to Alabama, the Interior Department to Denver, and the Agriculture Dept. could be relocated to Kansas City. Any federal workers would be a severance package if they refused to relocate.

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Washington, DC 20005