Five Billion Bucks and Two Years Later… One Charging Station

One reason EV sales are so lousy is they require constant recharging of the batteries at charging stations so your car doesn’t go kaput on a long drive. President Biden signed legislation more than two years ago that allocated $5 billion to the construction of these charging stations. Guess how many have been built? ONE! This black swan is apparently on the outskirts of Columbus, Ohio, if you want to go looking for it.

Media reports point to the delay of these chargers stemming from government red tape – which is ironic and no surprise. (Even liberal government bureaucrats can’t do away with red tape to support liberal objectives.) But the head of the Biden office managing the effort is trying to put a happy face on the glacial pace, telling Axios, “This is exactly the timeline I was expecting.”

But at this pace, it will take more than fifty years to get these charging stations installed – which will be a big problem that Biden wants half of all vehicles sold in the United States to be electric by 2029. And states like California have already mandated that ALL new cars sold by 2035 must have zero emissions.

What this means is that waiting to get juice for your battery is going to make the gas lines under Jimmy Carter look like a day at the park.

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