Five-Year-Olds Are Suing To Save The Planet

The left loves to use children as political pawns, so here’s the latest craziness.

Last week, we reported on how a rogue judge had ruled that Montana violated its constitution when it approved fossil fuel projects without taking climate change into account. Who were the plaintiffs? Children, as young as five years old.

State judge Kathy Seeley ruled that 16 youngsters had thus had their right to “a clean and healthful environment” violated.

But only now have read Judge Seeley’s bizarre 103-page opinion. Among the alleged “harms” she cites from the youngsters:

      • “Olivia expressed despair due to climate change.”
      • “Badge is anxious when he thinks about the future that he, and his potential children, will inherit.”
      • “Grace … is anxious about climate change.”
      • “Mica gets frustrated when he is required to stay indoors during the summer because of wildfire smoke.”

Oh, the horror! By the way, just who is it that’s causing these kids all this “anxiety?” The climate crazies. Maybe they are the ones who should be found guilty of child abuse.

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen called the ruling “absurd” for allowing “an ideological judge” to “earn herself a spot in their next documentary.”

Oh No! Climate Change Is Coming!

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