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FOIA Lady to Plead the Fifth

There is mounting evidence that the panicked lockdown response that needlessly destroyed hundreds of thousands of American lives, put millions of adults out of work, and millions of children out of school, was motivated in large part by a desire to cover up the role of NIH in funding risky virus research – with your tax dollars – that they were afraid caused the pandemic.

David Morens, the disgraced Fauci lieutenant who conducted his cover-up work business on Gmail accounts, and maintained an illicit backchannel to Fauci was asked about this email in his recent testimony to the House:

He identified the lady who taught him how to destroy government records to avoid complying with FOIA requests as Marg Moore.  This week she will plead the fifth, refusing to testify to House investigators on the ground she might incriminate herself:

The good news is that Rand Paul’s bill to subject risky biomedical research to oversight passed committee last week on 8-1 bipartisan vote, with only Newsom-appointed California Senator Laphonza Butler voting no.

The bad news is that Fauci, Collins, and their associates are still seen as heroes by half the country, and may never face personal accountability.  And we can’t help but wonder how many other federal agencies have FOIA officers who hate FOIA and teach federal employees how to destroy public records.

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