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“Free” Child Care for Just $100 Billion Per Year

Here’s the latest plan from the Left to bankrupt America: cap the cost of childcare at 10 bucks a day for everybody making under $250,000, with taxpayers picking up the rest of the tab:

Khanna’s plan comes with a hefty price tag–approximately $100 billion annually, which is more than double what the U.S. currently spends on childcare programs and about an eighth of the federal budget allocated for national defense. Critics are sure to target the cost, as the bill does not explicitly outline its financial sources. Khanna, who calls himself a progressive capitalist and represents the wealthiest district in Congress (Silicon Valley), suggests several potential funding mechanisms, including raising the corporate tax rate to 28%, increasing inheritance taxes, and creating a financial transaction tax.

And if proponents of a new entitlement say it will cost $100 billion per year, you can count on it being double or triple that once providers figure out that they can raise tuition to the moon without losing their customers.

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