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Get Ready For The Next Biden $2 Trillion Spending Spree

The leftist base of the Democrat Party isn’t happy. They’re crying a river that so much of their agenda got left on the cutting board table. Even with $6 trillion of new social welfare and green new deal spending, they protest that: “Millions of Americans are being left behind,” as reported by The Lever, a liberal website.

They want — ready for this? — $1.7 trillion MORE spending. That’s how much of the Build Back Better and the Inflation Acceleration Act was nixed by republicans in Congress.

The chart below shows the left’s unfinished business on blowout budgeting.

Take a close look. This will be HR 1 if Democrats sweep the table (the White House and Congress) in 2024. And to pay for it, HR 2 will be the Biden tax increases that would raise investment tax rates to about 70%.

Be afraid.

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