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Gone Girls

We reported a few months ago that women between the ages of 18-29 have surged to the left.

The latest Gallup report examines political trends of women in this age group from 2001-2007 versus 2017-24. Today, almost nine in 10 young women say they identify more with liberal than conservative positions on most issues. Yikes. See chart.

Here at Unleash Prosperity, we focus on the economic and money issues.  What is troubling is that 86% of young women believe in man-made global warming, 78% think environmental protection is more important than economic growth, and 80% say the government is doing too little to protect the environment. (We have the cleanest air and water in at least 100 years.)

Support for higher taxes on the rich, more regulation of business, and government-run health care has steadily increased for this female age-cohort.

We’re not sure WHY this is happening, but it’s deeply disturbing for those who support limited government and lower taxes. One thing that comes shining through, is that the longer women remain in higher education, the more liberal they become. Could it be that college makes young women (and men) stupider?

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