Guilty As Charged: Yes, We ARE “Free Market Fundamentalists”

At the recent National Conservatism conference in Washington, we at Unleash Prosperity were maligned as “Market Fundamentalists.”

Perhaps we’ve been brainwashed by Milton Friedman, Arthur Laffer, Thomas Sowell, F.A. Hayek, and Adam Smith.

Many of the leaders of the NatCon movement are colleagues, and some of their ideas – “put America first,” protect American sovereignty, and roll back the ESG movement – we agree with fully.

But the NatCon movement has morphed into Big Government “Conservatism”. They want infrastructure spending, antitrust regulations, tariffs, and even higher tax rates. They sound a lot like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.  Our friends at Americans for Tax Reform compiled the similarities here:

The idea that giving MORE money and authority to the Deep State that runs our $7 trillion leviathan in Washington will solve America’s economic and cultural problems is so hopelessly naive and counter to our first principles that, frankly, we’re astonished that otherwise smart people would subscribe to it. But as the WSJ pointed out yesterday, the movement is gaining steam.

We are fully committed to countering the Big Government “Conservative” movement. The last thing we need in Washington now is two parties trying to out-spend and out-tax each other.

Unleash Prosperity Hotline


1155 15th St NW, Ste 525
Washington, DC 20005