How to Restore Trust in Public Health Agencies

The NIH, CDC, FDA, and the rest of the Washington public health bureaucracy took a big reputational hit during COVID. Deservedly so, given how unprepared they were and how godawful their advice and lockdown orders were during the first year of the pandemic.

Dr. Scott Atlas, one of America’s greatest warriors against the destructive COVID lockdowns has offered some sound advice to make sure these abuses of power by the health bureaucrats are never repeated. Here are a few of our favorite reform ideas:

      • Require congressional approval of any “public health emergency” beyond a strict two-week or other similarly short time limit.
      • Replace the heads of the CDC, NIH, and FDA – and impose time limits on their successors and on all other top and mid-level posts at public health agencies.
      • Prohibit FDA, NIH, and CDC employees from receiving drug royalties and from taking related private jobs for five years.
      • Take away from CDC and other public health agencies any power to impose mandates and other legal requirements – make them strictly advisory.
      • Terminate binding agreements with, and pledges to, the World Health Organization.

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