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How to Wreck an Economy for Dummies

The latest Congressional Budget Office is full of fiscal doom and gloom and serves as an epitaph to the gross financial mismanagement of the Biden era.

It’s been four years of multi-trillion dollar spending bills, deficits of between $1.5 and $2 trillion a year, a 20% rise in the price level and falling real incomes. Trump was no fiscal tightwad either, but this is the wreckage of modern monetary theory put into practice.

The CBO report is a blaring ambulance siren of what happens if we stay on the Bidenomics track. Here are the unhappy lowlights:

      • Budget deficits of an average of nearly $2 trillion a year for the next four years at least. There’s no pretense of bending this curve down.
      • The National debt hits $50 trillion in 10 years
      • The annual federal budget reaches $10 trillion in 10 year
      • Revenues NEVER catch up with the spending even if the Trump tax cuts are allowed to expire – as Biden has promised.

We wonder if communist spies from Beijing broke into the White House and concocted a master plan to sabotage the American economy whether they could come up with a better plan than this one.

And the the Left’s rallying cry is four more years!

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