Hunter’s Laptop Exposes Joe Biden’s Trail Of Corruption

We’ve inaugurated a new regular feature here at the HOTLINE – a look the highly-incriminating emails from Hunter Biden’s confirmed-authentic laptop.

From our friend Peter Schweitzer:

In July 2010, Vice President Joe Biden was less than two years into his first term. His son, Hunter, and his son’s close confidants were occupied with Joe’s finances and “future earnings potential.”

In fact, Joe Biden had just called Eric Schwerin, Hunter Biden’s right-hand man and a founding partner of Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca Partners. The subject of the call? Joe Biden’s mortgage. Schwerin relayed to Hunter Biden that his father could “use some positive news about his future earnings potential!!” It is clear from this email (below) that the Vice President’s financial interests were intimately intertwined with those of his son, Hunter.

What exactly could the Vice President be “earning” while in office?

A few months before this email, Hunter Biden began exploring “business opportunities” in China. Could these opportunities have provided the funds for his father?

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