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Inflation Leads To Depression In Biden’s Approval Numbers

Every poll is now asking lots of questions about inflation.  The results for the Biden White House are devastating.

The latest Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows that the public clearly rejects the Biden view that inflation isn’t a great public concern. A stunning 77 percent of Americans say inflation is affecting their lives — and a clear majority (57 percent) blame President Biden. More people picked inflation as the “most important issue facing America” (17 percent) than any other issue, and just 18 percent say Biden is doing enough to address it.

These results explain in part why Biden’s approval number is down to 43 percent. On the economy, Biden’s approval rating is even lower at 40 percent.

Most ominously for Biden, 65 percent of independents and 28 percent of Democrats blame Biden in large part for inflationary pressures.

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