IRS Leaker Chaz Littlejohn Stole Tax Returns from 50,000+ Taxpayers and Gets Slap on the Wrist

Chaz Littljohn got a sweetheart plea deal from the Biden DOJ for a single count of stealing tax returns, even though DOJ said he stole up to 15 years of returns from “thousands” of taxpayers.  It has now been confirmed that he stole returns from at least 50,000 and maybe 70,000 taxpayers.

We would have to conclude that the Biden administration WANTED these private records released so they could have access to the private financial records of their political enemies, and publicize the tax returns of the rich.

An individual’s tax returns are confidential and disclosing them undermines trust in, and compliance with the tax system.

These tax returns were leaked to the liberal group ProPublica, which has been allowed to keep all of these stolen documents and publicize them.

Isn’t knowingly taking possession of stolen property a crime?  Do they have our returns?  Or yours?  Maybe.  We’re told thousands of the victims have still not been notified.

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