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Is There Any Car Company Left That Hasn’t Cut EV Production?

Another car company bites the dust:

Volvo was the first car manufacturer to pledge to sell only electric vehicles by 2030. Now it has joined a dozen other firms in scaling back its EV ambitions.

Volvo chief commercial officer Bjorn Annwall admits: “Fully electric cars also need to be profitable” and it’s all “about adjusting to reality.”

Many other firms are also adjusting. Ford and General Motors have scaled back EV production, and Volkswagen, which may shut some of its factories in response to the EV slump, is joining the group.

As we’ve said before, we have nothing against electric cars. But we strongly oppose government force-feeding them to consumers.

Plug-in electric vehicles still account for less than 10% of new vehicle sales and most projections are being lowered.

But these are the mandate schedules for the ten “California states” and the whole country under the Biden-Harris EPA mandates:

How can it be described as anything other than a bloodbath if it is allowed to happen?

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