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It’s Official: California Is Now France

This Headline from the Los Angeles Times caught our eye:

Proposed bill would shorten California workweek to 32 hours. Here’s what you need to know:

“The bill, AB 2932, would change the definition of a workweek from 40 hours to 32 hours for companies with more than 500 employees.”

Companies would be prohibited from cutting the pay of workers – so effectively every worker covered by the law would be getting a 20% mandatory pay raise.

France and many other Western European nations tried this in the 1980s and it led to the deindustrialization of these countries, before they abandoned the ruinous experiment.

We wonder if the geniuses in Sacramento who are plowing this bill forward have any idea where the money will come from so that workers can be paid more to produce less. It’s a very good way to move all manufacturing out of California. Some employers will simply try to raise prices to make up for the higher labor costs, which will only make inflation worse.

Brilliant. And Governor Gavin Newsom may just be dumb enough to sign the bill into law if it gets to his desk.

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