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Kentucky COVID Rules Ended With Override Of Governor’s Veto

In the earliest days of the lockdowns, there were few governors anywhere in America who embraced the strategy with the intensity of Kentucky’s Andy Beshear. Regular readers of the HOTLINE may recall that he used the state police to keep people from gathering for Sunday worship.

When the state legislature passed a measure to bring the State of Emergency created by the pandemic to an end, he vetoed it, arguing that residents of the commonwealth needed the extra food stamp benefits as a hedge against Bidenflation.

Earlier this week the legislature voted to override the veto.

“Continuing to operate under a false emergency for the sake of pulling down federal dollars is simply fraudulent and unethical,” Senate President Robert Stivers said in a statement. Hooray!

This raises the question: why is Uncle Sam giving states MORE money for wrecking their businesses and throwing workers into unemployment lines?

As we’ve shown from day one, relief bills that included items like unemployment insurance bonus payments and extra money for food stamps incentivized people to stay home collecting checks from Uncle Sam rather than going back to work once the lockdowns were lifted. They also incentivized governors and mayors to lock down.

Dumb and dumber.

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