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Liberals Want to Ban 95% of America’s Oil and Gas Drilling

We’d bet that most Liberals in Congress don’t know much about hydraulic fracturing except that they are against it.

Here’s a primer: Hydraulic fracturing is a drilling technique that extracts oil, and natural gas encased in thick rock formations many thousands of feet below ground. Fracking and horizontal drilling are what enabled America to triple its oil output from 2007 to 2020.

A new report by the House Republican Policy Committee under Rep. Gary Palmer of Alabama shows that the majority of progressives have supported a “net zero fossil fuels” policy and many support the “Fracking Ban Act.”

The RPC study finds that “More than 95 percent of U.S. natural gas and oil wells today are developed using fracking.”

It also finds that a ban on U.S. fracking could similarly eliminate approximately 10% of the world’s crude oil and 20% of the world’s natural gas supply.

If the Left wants to cripple the American energy industry, banning fracking is a good way to do it.

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