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Lockdowns Are All Pain, No Gain

It’s now official and beyond dispute. Lockdowns don’t work. We now have the results of the most comprehensive literature review to date on Covid lockdowns, as defined to include “any government mandate that directly restrict peoples’ possibilities, such as policies that limit internal movement, close schools and businesses, and ban international travel.”

What professors Jonas Herby, Lars Jonung, and Steve Hanke have found is consistent with what we’ve been reporting since the beginning of the pandemic:

“While this meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”


You can also check out Steve Moore’s posting on this morning in which he calls the $5 trillion spent by government to combat Covid as perhaps the most epic government failure in American history.







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