Louisiana House Overwhelmingly Passes School Choice

School choice keeps marching through the South and is another sign that the Southern region is destined to remain economically dominant in the years to come.

The vote on HB 745 was 72-32, with six Democrats voting yes and six Republicans voting no. The bill would make Louisiana the 12th universal school choice state.

Our new favorite Democrat, state Rep. Jason Hughes said this before voting yes:

I know the political ramifications for me for voting for this bill.

But I don’t need this $16,800 a year job bad enough to watch our children continue to live in poverty, trapped in failing schools, and not try to do something.

And in the event I’m not re-elected, this is what I know: my steps are ordered. My heart is pure. I came here to do tough things. I came here to make tough decisions. And I came here to put children first.

On to the state Senate!

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