Meanwhile, Biden Is Sending Out Eight-Figure Checks to His Buddies

We’ve mentioned previously that Biden is spending every penny and quarter he can shake from the cushions on the federal sofa, but this headline from yesterday’s WSJ only further infuriated us:

The Biden administration will provide a record $15 billion low-interest loan commitment to California utility company PG&E   to support hundreds of projects aimed at fighting the effects of climate change and improving the electrical grid.

Outrageous!  Now, federal taxpayers have to bail out the crazy green new deal programs that have helped bankrupt California and driven their energy costs into the stratosphere?  

More EV subsidies. More wind and solar giveaways. More green new deal mandates? Isn’t this precisely what voters voted AGAINST?

We’re all for letting states do what they want, but taxpayers in Wisconsin, Maine, and Michigan shouldn’t have to pay for Gavin Newsom’s folly.

By the way, this is a “low-interest loan.” Anyone want to take a bet on whether it will ever be repaid?

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