Our “laugh or cry” item this week comes from the Land of Lincoln.
Arguably the second worst governor in America – after California’s Gavin Newsom – Pritzker is now the talk of the town. Why? When announcing his 2028 run for the White House last week, sorry, we mean when giving his annual State of the State speech, the Illinois chief executive compared Donald Trump’s “authoritarian playbook” to the rise of the Nazis. A thrilled Rachel Maddow aired that whole section on MSNBC. Then it went viral on leftwing chats all over the internet.
It doesn’t even matter to many of our liberal friends that Pritzker has run the state of Illinois into the ground. The worst schools. Crippling budget deficits. Nearly the highest taxes. A massive outmigration of businesses and people. The streets of Chicago are now death row.
We can almost hear the Pritzker message now: Make America as Great as Illinois!