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“Net Zero” Climate Radicalism Is Dying Everywhere – Except In America?

All over the world, there are resets and rethinks about Net Zero, the quixotic goal of lowering net emissions of carbon dioxide to net zero by 2050. “A backlash is simmering against some of the world’s most ambitious green targets,” the Washington Post concludes.


Wind and solar projects are finally getting more scrutiny. A new offshore wind project in the North Sea has been canceled due to high costs. Another in Sweden is being rejected due to the “negative effects on the environment” it would create.

Then there is this bombshell revelation from the Daily Mail in the U.K.:

On electric vehicles, two huge automakers just announced their EV divisions are in trouble. Ford Motor posted a $4.5 billion loss on theirs this year, while Volkswagen is cutting EV production due to slumping demand.

French President Emmanuel Macron recently called for “a European regulatory break.” If that doesn’t happen he warned “we are going to lose all our industrial players.” Germany is already abandoning green energy.

Britain’s Unherd magazine has nailed the problem for the radical green agenda: “Public support for goals like Net Zero are a bit like world peace or ending poverty: almost everyone likes the idea, but no one wants to pay for it.”

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