New York Judge Slams Brakes On Noncitizen Voting

A state Supreme Court justice has ruled that a new law allowing 800,000 noncitizens to vote in local elections in New York City was unconstitutional. The case will be appealed to the Court of Appeals, the state’s highest judicial body, but it’s a promising start.

Justice Ralph Porzio noted that the state’s constitution explicitly says only eligible citizens can vote. But the hyper “woke” and defiant City Council passed the law allowing green-card holders and work visa holders the vote last year.

Our own election expert John Fund notes that “the New York law is part of a nationwide push to blur the very meaning of citizenship and promote noncitizen voting everywhere and for all offices.”

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, himself the son of Cuban immigrants, has introduced a bill to prohibit federal funding to states and localities that allow foreigners to vote. Rep. Gary Palmer of Alabama is introducing similar legislation in the House.

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