Nigel Farage Proposes “A Contract With Britain”

Nigel Farage’s return as leader of the Reform Party could cause a welcome realignment of British politics in the moribund UK.

Farage, whose party is quickly gaining on the governing Conservative Party in new national polls, freely admits the opposition Labour Party will win.  His goal is to “reshape the center-right.”

He began that process on Monday by releasing a “Contract With Britain” – a nod to Newt Gingrich’s 1994 “Contract With America” – which includes his plans for a bold agenda of tax cuts, tough curbs on illegal immigration, fewer regulations that block new housing and serious spending reform.  Newt emailed us yesterday calling the development “amazing.”

Our read is that the unprincipled Conservatives are in shambles because they’ve alienated both their traditional voters and the blue-collar voters they won in their historic 2019 election triumph. They’ve become the Incompetent Party.

Farage has the kind of message Margaret Thatcher delivered in rescuing the Britain of the 1980s. “I support real, genuine change to give us a better, brighter, and stronger future,” he told reporters. He said Britain is  “broken economically,” mired in debt, that Brits feel “less safe on our streets” and “in decline culturally — we’ve begun to forget who we are, what our history is, what we stand for.”

The contract would slash the income tax code from 21,000 to 500 pages, cut income taxes, slash the corporation tax to 20% and then to 15%, and abolish the inheritance tax for estates below $2.5 million – around 98% of the total.

Most bold of all is that this contract would “scrap Net Zero and Related Subsidies,” saving a staggering $38 billion per year over the next 25 years.

This is an agenda that the stodgy Conservatives should be endorsing – but won’t. So it’s time for a realignment.

We hope Farage succeeds and can become the new Margaret Thatcher, and make Britain great again!

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