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Nobel Idiots

You may have heard that yesterday 24 Nobel economists slammed the Trump economic plan in a joint letter spearheaded by the hyper-political Joseph Stiglitz, who infamously flew to Caracas to endorse Hugo Chavez’s economic policies in 2007.

The letter claims that Trump’s economic plan would “lead to higher prices, larger deficits, and greater inequality.”

They also claimed that Trump’s tariff proposals and his call for aggressive tax cuts, would “lead to higher prices, larger deficits, and greater inequality” while risking a recession.

Wait!  This is exactly what many in this gang of leftist economists warned of in 2016. Many of these PhDs claimed that Trump’s policies would crash the stock market and plunge the economy into a deep recession.

Oops. The economy boomed – as did the stock market.

Then in 2021 many of these same economists signed a similar open letter assuring us that Biden’s policies wouldn’t cause inflation. Oops. Eighteen months later the inflation rate surged to its highest level (9.1%) since the days of Jimmy Carter.

We too have skepticism of some of Trump’s policies on issues like high tariffs and special interest tax carve outs. But what is undeniable is that Trump’s first-term economic agenda worked like a charm – as measured by the record-breaking $5,000 to $6,000 gain in real incomes for average families. Oh. And someone tell these ivory-towered economists that inflation and income inequality went DOWN, not up.

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