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Oh, for a Congress that Would Do its Job

Congress is now like a gang of teenagers who wait until the last minute to do their homework.

This stunning chart from Philip Wallach of AEI, shows that the ten longest bills comprised about 50 percent of the legislative work of Congress as recently as the 109th Congress in 2005-06.  But so far, this Congress is on track for a new all-time high of about 95 percent.

“118th is still incomplete, so that last data point is in flux,” Wallach writes. “But the takeaway here is clear: a vast majority of legislating in the House now happens through giant omnibuses. If you want your bill to move, you need to get it a ride–which means you need leadership’s help.”

Anyone want to guess how many members have any idea what’s actually stuffed inside these behemoths?

To say that Congress is a sausage-making factory has become an insult to sausage makers!

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