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One Millions Views and Climbing

Our video tweet on twitter, calling out the hypocrisy of the “Patriotic” Millionaires has just surpassed one million views.

It has been covered by Fox News, Fox Business, CNS News, Washington Examiner, You Tube, and syndicated radio shows including Don Bongino, Sebastian Gorka, Lars Larson and Sean Hannity.

It has been covered by Fox News, Fox Business, CNS News, Washington Examiner, and syndicated radio shows including our friends Don Bongino, Sebastian Gorka, Lars Larson and Sean Hannity.

Here are some of accolades we’ve received from CTUP members:

“Your spoof on the millionaire’s tax press conference was fantastic!!!  So great!”
“What hypocrites!”
“Beautiful takedown of the millionaires”
“Envy is a deadly sin.  Three cheers for CTUP.”
“I absolutely love this. Practice what you preach!”

Steve joined Fox Biz over the weekend to talk “Patriotic” Millionaires:

Special thanks to CTUP superstars Tim Doescher, Peter Roff and Isaac Homoelle for producing and promoting this video.

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