Oops! EV Subsidies Will Cost Taxpayers $200 BILLION More Than Biden Estimated


Biden’s electric vehicle program is turning into one of the greatest fiascos and financial scandals in modern times.

The Congressional Budget Office just reported in a “technical revision” revision that the federal subsidies – including the $7,500 check the government hands out to car buyers when the purchase and EV will cost $224 billion above original projections. Why? Because of the Biden EPA’s electric vehicles mandates that will force more people to buy the subsidized EVs.

By the way, only in Washington would a $224 billion acc blunder be called a “technical revision.”

This news comes on the heels of yesterday’s report that Ford lost more than $60,000 for every EV they sold last year. No doubt Washington will be handing them a bailout check.

To call the EV program a boondoggle is an insult to boondoggles.

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