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Our ‘You Can’t Make This $%&# Up’ Winner This Week

From our friends at the New York Post:

Roughly 5,200 black and Hispanic ex-Big Apple teachers and once-aspiring educators are expected to collect more than $1.8 billion in judgments after the city stopped fighting a nearly three-decade federal discrimination lawsuit that found a certification exam was biased.

It’s the largest legal payout in city history.

As of Friday, 225 people who failed the Liberal Arts and Sciences Test used for teacher licensing from 1994 to 2014 had already been notified they’re getting settlements of at least $1 million, according to an analysis of Manhattan federal court records.

Court rulings found the exam violated civil-rights laws, allowing far more white candidates to pass.

So the progressives in America want to put men and women who can’t even pass a basic competency test in front of a classroom with 25 kids – all in the name of “equity”? How can kids learn a subject if the teacher doesn’t even understand the subject?

This ruling is based on the crazy legal doctrine of disparate impact: namely that any exam some minority groups disproportionately fail is racist.

But who will suffer the “disparate impact” from having to sit in a classroom with an incompetent teacher? MINORITY CHILDREN!

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