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Pete Hegseth Exposes Our Woke Pentagon

We warned last week that many of our schools have been converted from learning centers to social welfare agencies and leftist propaganda factories.

Now we learn from Fox News host Pete Hegseth’s new book that the left has deeply infiltrated another vital institution of government: the Pentagon.

Pete’s book called, The War on Warriors: Behind the Betrayal of the Men Who Keep Us Free, tells a disturbing tale of how the DOD has been converted into an agency that puts climate change and gender issues ahead of national security and military readiness. This is an administration that wants our tanks to be operated by batteries and women to be put in dangerous combat missions.

Wokism is hollowing out our defenses. It’s a scary story, and Pete describes in great detail the dangerous repercussions of our longer term impact on the prowess of our armed forces.

CTUP co-founder Steve Moore interviewed Pete on his radio show, “Moore Money”, about the book. You can listen to the whole thing by clicking here.

To purchase a copy, click on the image below!

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