Prediction: The Green New Deal Is Now A Big Target In Europe

Green parties suffered sweeping defeats in last week’s elections to the European Parliament. The Green caucus in the Parliament will be 25% smaller due to disastrous showings in Germany, France, Italy, and Belgium.

Green parties are already fretting that their losses will lead conservative parties to launch a full-scale assault on Net Zero – the European Union’s goal to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2050.

The revolt against Green extremism even reached young voters. “Greens in Germany lost significantly with younger voters. This is alarming,” admits Daniel Freund, a Green Member of the EU Parliament. “Our campaign was not able to address these voters — to show them the urgency of our climate policy.”

A big reason for public rejection of the Greens is simply the outrageous costs their agenda has created.   A Eurobarometer poll of voters found that climate change placed only fifth among the issues that concerned people. Rising costs and inflation were the most important.

The next targets will be an EU law that bans the sale of beef, wood, rubber, coffee, and chocolate if they come from deforested land. It won’t be long before these modern-day Puritans call for banning sex.

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