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San Francisco Voters Turn Away from Progressive Craziness

“For now, at least, San Francisco can no longer be called a progressive city,” the San Francisco Chronicle reports.

That’s an exaggeration, but the voters did opt for common-sense reforms to a city that has been made unlivable by weird leftist experiments. Here’s the basis for the Chronicle’s take:

Voters approved ballot measures Tuesday to loosen restrictions on the police and screen welfare recipients for drugs, while a measure to boost developers was leading and likely to pass.

Voters also backed a slate of moderates to run the local Democratic County Central Committee, whose endorsements could reshape who is elected in San Francisco for years. Four years ago, progressives won all but two seats on the DCCC.

In addition, The Chronicle also notes that Proposition B, an attempt to increase police staffing but only if coupled with a tax increase, won only 32 percent of the vote.

“Progressives are staring down a deep-pocketed tech community that thinks their policies are destroying the city,” The Chronicle concludes.

Ironically, it was liberal high-tech millionaires and billionaire executives who once provided the dollars SUPPORTING the looney “progressive” anti-police/sanctuary city and high-welfare policies that brought the city to its knees. Now, even THEY are opting for a return to normalcy. Let’s hope that these reforms aren’t arriving too late to save one of America’s iconic cities.

It’s nice to see that even though it took years of decay and destruction, the patience of many tech moguls has finally been exhausted.

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