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Save The Whales – By Ending Off-Shore Wind Projects?

The Biden administration is spending billions of dollars on offshore wind projects.

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy wants to install dozens of turbine projects. But now some green groups are protesting.

They point to 10 dead whales that have been found on beaches in New York and New Jersey in the last two months – an unprecedented number. Activists blame the increased ship traffic and carpet bombing of the ocean floor with intense sonic mapping signals associated with the building of wind turbines.

Twelve New Jersey coastal mayors want to pause wind development until the deaths of the whales are investigated.

The Sierra Club and other Washington-based environmental groups are trashing the theory that any whales are harmed by wind turbines. These are the same groups that falsely denied that wind turbines have killed millions of birds, including Bald and Golden Eagles.

Apparently, there is no destruction of wildlife and America’s scenic landscapes that radical green groups aren’t willing to tolerate and excuse in order to advance their radical wind and solar energy agenda.

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