Jeff Yass: Trump Is the School Choice Candidate

Great piece in WSJ by America’s foremost supporter of education freedom, Jeff Yass:

I have discussed school choice with Mr. Trump, and I’m encouraged by what he said. I’m likewise impressed by his actions to advance the cause in real time—namely, by endorsing several of the pro-school choice Republicans in Texas’s legislative primaries. If Mr. Trump uses his bully pulpit to build support for school choice across the country, as he did in Texas, I believe he’ll help improve the lives of many generations of Americans.

I’ve never given financial support to Mr. Trump’s campaign, and I don’t plan to. But on the issue I care about most deeply, the stakes are high. The best school-choice candidate is facing off against the worst. And the choice is clear.

Biden, by the way, is a ferocious school choice opponent – bought and paid for by Darth Vader – er, the teacher unions.

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