School Choice Movement Just Getting Started

2023 was a stellar year for school choice with more than a dozen states adopting or expanding educational freedom for parents and their kids. But 2024 and 2025 could bring even more victories.

The map below shows where choice was expanded in 2023 and the top state targets for this coming year. Four states that are on the cusp of a major expansion of parental choice in education are Georgia, Idaho, Tennessee, and Texas, with the governors in each of these states fully committed.

Add to that the full-throttled endorsement by Donald Trump, who says he will dedicate federal education dollars to help fund school choice programs in the states. This analysis by Reuters indicates that school choice may be a breakthrough election issue for the GOP in 2024:

It’s depressing to us that almost all the school choice action is in the red and purple states. Don’t Democrats care about their kids? As we’ve mentioned before, Illinois pathetically went BACKWARD on school choice this year taking away educational freedom to thousands of minority children, despite the fact that Chicago has among the worst public schools in the nation. And then they march around with “Black Lives Matter” signs. Please!

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