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Sierra Club’s “Dirty Truth” – There is NO Green Energy Transition

The White House has been boasting of a $1 trillion taxpayer “investment” in renewable energy.  Yet as we’ve shown on these pages, we still meet 80% of our energy needs from old-fashioned and irreplaceable fossil fuels.

Now, the Sierra Club has issued a scathing report entitled “The Dirty Truth” about utility energy generation, and it confirms what we’ve been saying: the exalted green revolution isn’t happening:

The utilities studied scored 29/100 in the Sierra Club’s Dirty Truth Report, earning a D. These utilities have only improved their overall score by 12 points since 2021.

By 2035, the report finds utilities plan to deploy “clean energy” to replace half of current fossil fuel generating capacity – but load growth will far outpace those deployments. Expected natural gas deployments keep rising to make up the difference:

So this raises an awkward question for the Biden team: how do you spend hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars and not move the needle at all? What kind of “investment” is that?

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