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So Much for Free Speech – Americans Afraid to Say Out Loud What They Really Think

Efforts to muzzle the free speech of Americans have spread relentlessly from college campuses into the wider world.

A new poll of nearly 20,000 adults by YouGov and sponsored by the think tank Populace, found that a majority of Americans (58%) think that most people cannot share their honest opinions about sensitive topics.  More than six of 10 respondents said they have avoided saying things that they believe because others might find them offensive.

While 36% of Democrats and 14% of Republicans publicly say they trust the government to tell the truth, just 5% and 2% agree with this statement privately.

59% of Americans think there is too much government control in America, but only 50% say so publicly – with Democrats far more likely to conceal that view:

Defunding the police is a good example of an issue where Americans are afraid to say what they believe. While 28% of Gen Zers and 27% of Democrats say they support the movement, in reality just 2% and 3% privately agree.

Most of the apparent partisan gap on school choice is a result of liberals and independents concealing their support for it:

It’s another example of the hypocrisy of the left who say they support “tolerance of other people’s opinions,” but they have created an environment in which many Americans feel a need to self-censor their views.

The full report is here.

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