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Swiss Parliament Rejects Cuckoo Climate Change Ruling

Here’s how militaristic global warming obsession has gotten in Europe: in April something called the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the Swiss government has violated the human rights of its citizens by not doing enough to fight climate change.

The court agreed with a group of Swiss seniors that the failure to move on climate change was subjecting them to more heatwaves. (We would think in some areas of frigid Switzerland, heat waves would be climate improvement.) The absurd ruling imposes fines on Swiss citizens.

In a blow to Swiss national sovereignty and basic common sense, the Swiss parliament just voted to reject the court’s ruling by 111 to 72, accusing it of “inadmissible and disproportionate judicial activism.”

Switzerland’s rejection is important because climate groups are already preparing to use the court decision against other countries.

The U.S. is not immune from this madness. Last August, we covered the story of a judge ruling that the state of Montana violated its constitution when it approved fossil fuel projects without taking climate change into account.

A federal appeals court has set aside that ruling, but dozens of similar lawsuits have been filed, asking judges to begin legislating “climate justice” from the bench to stop global warming. They’re coming for SUVs and air conditioners, folks.

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